Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What is this?

Way back in the day, I had dreams of being a writer, amongst many other things like architect (too many straight lines), first female president (no thank you), scientist, inventor, etc... of course, artist winning out because it was what I wanted most and specifically jeweler/metalsmith as my current career path. (hence the anvil, clever huh? and it actually is one of my special anvils)

I wouldn't say I'm a person that gets bored easily, but I do like to have variety in my life. With my most recent achievement of becoming a yoga teacher, I feel like it is opening up my life to becoming more balanced and accomplishing a lot of those random things I think of doing but don't make the time for.

So by setting up this blog, I'm giving myself the space to be a bit more organized and consistent in my writing. There are two different stories I've got brewing - one of which I started on my regular blog (I think I'll copy the beginning here). The other is just beginning (gasp!) on paper.

I tend not to make specific plans or deadlines, so who knows how long in between posts, but I'm aiming for something like once a month or two... or twice a month... we'll see. But I hope you come back and give me a bit of your time. That's it for now - hope you have a lovely day!


  1. Haha! I remember the youthful days of knowing no human limits...

    Congrats on the new blog, and I can't wait to follow along and see how the stories evolve!



  2. thanks Tamra!
    I really appreciate the support :) This will help motivate me for sure!
